「合金弹头2-METAL SLUG 2」-回味童年经典系列之合金弹头2



iPhone/iPad | 英文 | 93.5MB | iOS8+


合金弹头2(Metal Slug II)是SNK在1998年推出的合金弹头系列游戏中的第二部,一款很经典的街机游戏,相信很多网友都玩过它。那一年,大街上还没有网吧,只有烟雾缭绕的游戏厅;那一年,物价还很低,一元钱能买五个币;那一年,《合金弹头》还叫做“越南战役”。过去的时光不再回来,正在发愁无处重温童年的时候,SNK为我们送上了经典横版过关游戏《合金弹头2 Metal Slug II》,该作当时借助NeoGeo MVS强大机能的MS凭借空前的细腻画风和丰富动画,以热血的战斗场面和丰富的装备载具让全球玩家为之倾倒,从而一炮而红。


目前游戏已移植到ios手机端,除了游戏操控采用屏幕触控以外,这款作品几乎再无其他变化,小伙伴甚至可以邀请好友通过蓝牙进行联机一起过关,经典依旧,还是从前的那个味道。如果你是爱好游戏的70、80后,那你绝对熟悉这款作品。极具趣味性的玩法、丰富新颖的关卡、独特的系统设定成就了这款经典之作。现在,原汁原味的《合金弹头2 METAL SLUG 2》再现ios平台,哪有不试试的道理?



The second chapter of the acclaimed run-and-gun action shooting series, “METAL SLUG 2” launches on iPhone / iPod Touch!

Thwart General Morden’s evil ambition, and uncover the secret of his new coup!!


■Not only a perfect port of the original NEOGEO game!

In addition to its classic “ARCADE MODE”, this perfect conversion of “METAL SLUG 2” includes a “MISSION MODE”, allowing you to select in which stage you want to play!

You can now train yourself in your favorite stages or those which give you a hard time!


■New playable characters will assist you on the battlefield!

2 female recruits, Eri, a former super agent, and, Fio, the heir of a military family, join Regular Army’s PF Squad Marco and Tarma, in order to put an end to Gen. Morden’s dastardly plans. Moreover, you will be supported during your mission by a heroic prisoner who will fight alongside you once freed, and a volunteer who will provide you with bonus items!


■Use new weapons and slugs to fight your way through and survive on the battlefield!!

The METAL SLUG arsenal expands with the introduction of new weapons such as the “Laser Shot”, “Flame Bottles”, and new slug vehicles such as the “Slugnoid” (bipedal tank) and the “Slug Flyer” (fighter plane)! The “Camel Slug”, a camel equipped with a Vulcan Cannon also awaits in the Desert Stage to help you!!


■ A control scheme allowing for precise controls!

The “Autofire” feature allows you to fire your weapons continuously by holding down the button,

you can reposition the buttons outside of the game screen area in “Window mode”.

Enjoy every corner of METAL SLUG 2 using your own custom controls!


■Intense cooperative gameplay via the Wi-Fi function!

“METAL SLUG 2” can be doubly enjoyed by playing with another brother-in-arms simultaneously via the Wi-Fi function!

Will you be able to clear the hardest stages with your friends?


■Compatible with “GAME CENTER”!

Complete the maximum number of “ACHIEVEMENTS” in order to increase your “METAL SLUG 2” Player Rank!

Beat the best scores and become World’s Number 1!!



合金弹头2:「合金弹头2-METAL SLUG 2」-ios,ios账号,ios游戏,苹果游戏,花夏数娱,huaxiashuyu.com

合金弹头3:「合金弹头3-METAL SLUG 3」-ios,ios账号,ios游戏,苹果游戏,花夏数娱,huaxiashuyu.com

合金弹头4:「合金弹头-METAL SLUG 4 ACA NEOGEO」-苹果ios游戏-花夏数娱-huaxiashuyu.com

合金弹头5:「合金弹头5-METAL SLUG 5 ACA NEOGEO」-苹果ios游戏-花夏数娱-huaxiashuyu.com

合金弹头X:「合金弹头X-METAL SLUG X」-ios,ios账号,ios游戏,苹果游戏,花夏数娱,huaxiashuyu.com


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ios,ios游戏,ios账号,苹果游戏,苹果软件-花夏数娱 » 「合金弹头2-METAL SLUG 2」-回味童年经典系列之合金弹头2
